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A 15-minute performance exploring the difficulties of meeting society’s expectations.

This was performed at the Showroom in Chichester, as part of my third year work for my undergraduate degree. It takes the form of a music show format, where I am the presenter of the fictional show Great Music, with this particular “episode” focusing on the band The Smashing Pumpkins. This is consistently foiled by the Voiceover (also portrayed by me), who tries to encourage me to do better.

I’d had an idea to a performance based around the music show format for quite a while, but the specifics of Great Music really came together during my third year of university, when I made the link between The Smashing Pumpkins’ public perception of a band who were doing “good enough,” and my own insecurities around the same subject. It was also my first real experience of voice acting, with my creation of 30(!) different voice clips using an American accent.

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